This project supports Goal 3 of the UN SDGs: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, by accelerating and innovating in health research and development. The Sustainable Development Goals
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In fact we do not know since medical research has mainly focused on curing disease. We mostly wait to turn ill before we start collecting data.
Health and wellbeing are different in each individual and depend on the genome, the environment and behavior of each individual (Health Triangle). In order to understand the causes of health we need large sets of health-relevant data from a large number of people.
The “Swiss Cause of Health Cohort” is initiated by swiss scientists, who make their personal data available to pave the way for superior personalized medicine in Switzerland. A secure database with unique governance structure (non-profit citizen-controlled MIDATA cooperative) allows individuals to control their own data.
The cohort is open for everyone to join, and scalable within Europe.
Researchers from the ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich recognized and promoted the concept of sharing personal data for research. They initiate and participate in the “Swiss Cause of Health Cohort”, and encourage everybody in Switzerland to do the same.
For questions about this project, please contact us via email:
This project supports Goal 3 of the UN SDGs: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, by accelerating and innovating in health research and development. The Sustainable Development Goals